Hello all!
Well, this week things have been busy. I have begun 4 new commissions in the last few days and while I am not finished with them, I am very happy with how they are coming along. Why would you start one when you haven't finished the other? You may ask. I have my reasons... Firstly, I get about 2 and a half hours a day (most days) of blissfully quiet peace and rest while my 3 angels are napping simultaneously. I use that time to begin my portraits. The beginning steps are the most difficult and if they don't go right, then the whole drawing is wrong. I have to take extra effort and concentration to get things started.
Then, after the drawing is pretty much 3/4ths of the way done, all that is left are adjustments and shading... often the details of hair or clothing. These things can be done during other times of the day or night when I don't have so much uninterupted time. So far this method has been working well for me.
I can't wait to post photos of what I have been working on. First I will have to get permission and make sure it wouldn't spoil any suprises. After I check on that, I will probably come back and post some.
By the way, I got some great free business cards from Vistaprint. Just go to their website if you want to order some for your own use and look for the free offer. They have some great premade designs to pick from. Someone was saying this week that she would love to have some cards to hand out with scripture on them to cashiers and others she runs into during the day. That is a great idea! I think I will order some more just for that purpose!
Have a great day and let me know if I can Pencil you in!